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Therapist near me, Rapid transformational Therapy, Marisa Peer

You design the future you want,
I help you get there!

Cathy Jenkins, Rapid Transformational Therapist, Hypnotherapist and Coach

About me

​Having had the opportunity to train with the globally acclaimed Marisa Peer,  founder of Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT®),I've acquired invaluable techniques that can truly change lives. As a certified coach and clinical hypnotherapist specializing in RTT®, my mission is clear: help you break free from your unhealthy patterns, overcome your challenges, and ultimately achieve the life you dream of. 


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With a fascination for the mind, body and human behaviour, there was no surprise I studied Neuroscience and Biology at University. However, there was something missing. It’s only a few years later, when I managed to heal my left eye from becoming blind, and a lot of personal research and experience, that I came to realise that most issues, whether physical or psychological, stems from our own mind.


And this was the start of my new journey!


I became passionate about finding a therapy that would enable me to  help others heal too, using the incredible power of their mind, for rapid and long-lasting freedom from not only their psychological, but also emotional and physical pain, by uncovering the root of their issue.


That’s when I discovered Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT®)


I am really grateful to have had the chance to learn this life changing technique from Marisa Peer. And since I started on this new journey, I have experienced first-hand the most incredible power of RTT®, by getting rid of a life-long social anxiety, gaining self-love and self-esteem and gaining the confidence not only in myself but also to build my own business.


I can also proudly say that I keep being astounded by the incredible results my clients get. You can see some of those success stories here.

My goal now is to help as many people as I can resolve their issues fast and permanently, using my personal experience, my expertise of RTT® and coaching, and my ongoing studies and research, to leave you empowered, free and confident in no time at all.

So, if you are ready to take the step and invest in you, I would love to help you achieve the life you want and deserve!



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